Squat: 86 kg

I’m not sure which of my three (!) new PRs is most deserving of the title for this post. Of course, three new PRs is the norm in the novice progression, but I have just recently started to out-perform last year’s records. With today’s workout, I made a new PR in press too, breaking a year-old record.

Again, getting started was an achievement in will-power. I’ve been feeling as if I’m going to have a cold lately, and considered using it as an excuse for skipping today, but I managed to pull myself together and do it:

  • Squat: 86 kg × 5, 5, 5
  • Press: 36 kg × 5, 5, 5
  • Deadlift: 96 kg × 5

Then I added some barbell biceps curls too.

  • Biceps curls: 22,5 kg × 10, 6

The curls was an attempt to add more upper-body work, but I’m not sure if I’ll continue with them. Barbell rows would probably be a better idea, but it’s a more advanced exercise. I know how to do curls, but with rows, I’d really have to start from scratch.

Squatting 86 kg is similar to 85 kg, so it was more or less the same experience. Not easy, but surprisingly managable. I’m thrilled that I’m quickly approaching my body-weight in squat. I’ll have to think about lowering the bar more slowly now, because there’s a tendency to drop the bar too fast now when the weights are so heavy. I should think more about hip drive too.

The press went okay. I think form was fair, but I feel somewhat unstable. Being tall doesn’t help. I’ll need buy more 2,5 kg plates to increase the weight now, because my ceiling is too low for the 5 kg ones.

Deadlift was surprisingly hard this time. Not unanagable, but more of a challenge.

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