Month: February 2017

3 weeks off

I finally got both the belt and the squat rack after a major fuck-up at the store (got a sissy squat instead of a squat rack first). During the wait, I felt complacent and didn’t do any training, thinking that the squat rack would soon arrive so I could continue. In any case, my old squat rack was too risky to use at near maximum weights, since it gave no option for failure.

Unfortunately, this wait resulted in a 3 week break from training. I lost some muscle, gained some belly fat and got a lot weaker. It sucks to loose progress, but I’m committed to restart the program and continue the novice progression. The loss tells something about how consistent and committed you have to be to gain muscle, and how quickly you loose progress when you skip meals and training.

I had one test session with the with the belt and squat rack. The rack is great. It’s robust and easy to configure for different exercises. The belt is good too I guess, but I think I need something under it for a better fit. Hopefully, I will learn to use it with experience.